Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Friday, 5 October 2012

Au revoir

Took this on the Eurostar en route to Paris. The old couple had just ploughed their way through some really stinky cheese and were sleeping it off. We’de just entered the tunnel from Dover at this point I believe…

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

New ‘street’ group for Fuji owners over on Flickr

I have started a new group over on Flickr for Fuji using Street Photographers. Doesn’t matter which camera as long as it's Fuji, although the current ‘X’ series is gaining a bit of momentum inthe SP arena of late. The group is designed to try and maintain a level of quality and a forum where people can learn from their piers. So far it's a 6/day posting limit while things (hopefully) get going, but I may rethink that further down the line:
So , please come and see what life’s like on Fuji Street