Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Some good websites and other web finds.

It's been a while since I have posted anything here - poor show me! Anyway, I have been collecting some useful website links and other snippets from the web over the last few months and thought they would be appreciated by others...

First off, a lot of this might be Fuji X series related as that is what I am now using: a Fuji X100 and a Fuji X-Pro1 with 35mm/f1.4 lens. Also, there will be a definite slant towards street and art photography.

And so in no particular order...

First up is 'White Sea Black Sea' by Jens Olof Lasthein:

Next we have In-Public. It's a website started up in 2000 as a place for street photographers to hang out. They have a manifesto to promote street photography - read it on their site here:

Amercian Suburb X has a load of esseys about photographers from all over the world. Quite an arty site, with plenty of good stuff to keep your creative mind satisfied:

Came across LPV magazine recently. It is a site promotong its own electronic magazines, but there are numerous free issues worth downloading for a peruse:

Another online magazine with some free downloadable PDF's - some good stuff too:

Someone on Flickr linked me to this PDF. It's a book called "On being a photographer" by David Hurn and it's essentially a conversation with Bill Jay. I haven't read it at time of writing this, but it looks promising:

A blog I follow called 'Dirty Blog'. Different and good - some good street stuff going on in here:

There are many more and I will keep this post updated as and when I can...

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